Wednesday, April 18, 2012

God save the OLD USA, In reading Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, you find on page 103 the following,
"the organizer's job is to inseminate an invitation for him self, to agitate, introduce ideas, get people pregnant with HOPE and desire for CHANGE and identify you are the person most qualified for this purpose"


On page 105 while speaking of people becoming disengaged from things that need change but they can not by themselves. He states they feel like this, "why start figuring out how to spend a million dollars if you do not have a million dollars and are never going to have a million dollars unless you want to engage in a fantasy".

Is this the way we feel about the government now, not being able to change things. he goes on to say " once people organize they have the power to change things, then when confronted with a question of change they begin to think and ask questions about how to make the changes".

We must organize, TEA PARTY????

Engage, participate in the rallies... speak out, organize !!!! use their own words to make the changes needed in our country, we are what they once were and they are what we once were, The shoe is on the other foot. READ The dam book to see where OBAMA came from.

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