Wednesday, April 13, 2016

With all the books I have read and am currently reading, Original Intent by David Barton, I have come to the conclusion that the following individuals have ruined this great country.
FDR, Hugo Black, Woodrow Wilson, Bill Clinton, Obama, Hilary Clinton to mention a few. SCOTUS is out of control after the KKK member Hugo Black erected the wall of separation of church and state. They have mentioned it over 4000 times in their writings, the first amendment in only mentioned over 1000 times in writings.
What is most notable is they are democrats. They have succeeded in making the citizens so fing dumb that they have no clue what is being done to them.
I am sick of the attack on Christians, the fact that the founding fathers all 250 plus, we God fearing individuals when they promulgated the founding documents. They mention God throughout the documents. Now, one is in violation of the constitution when they are PERCIEVED to be praying in school, or a speaker is known to be Christian on a public campus.
The constitution gives us the right to replace the government that is out of control, IT IS.
We the people do not run the country now the Lobbyists and well moneyed individuals and corporations do.


God save the USA

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Town of Marana SUCKS Unfriendly to homeowners

We  purchased a home in a rural area of Marana to enjoy the pristine desert. I reviewed the zoning around the property and it was one home on one acre. This was acceptable so I spent almost 3/4 of a million dollars on my home. The area was equine friendly and has small ranches, sand side roads and low traffic.

During the housing crash, much of the open land was purchased by land developers at bargain prices. No problem it is zoned one acre per house right......  WRONG. A new four lane high way was cut through the desert and the TOWN wants roofs to pay the way to a larger government.

Now right near my house the town has allowed 250 homes to be built on 6000 sf lots. CLUSTER high density low cost housing in an area of pristine Sonora desert. It will be bulldozed and two story cluster homes built on top of each other, EVERY adjoining neighbor opposed the zoning change. We spoke at several meetings and the Commissioners did not care about anything we had to say, We pleaded to leave it as is zoned and as they advertised it on their website.  

The developers purchased the land knowing the zoning was one acre per home, now they wanted to change the zoning to gain huge profits and the town agreed. They spoke as if they worked for the developer. Absolutely no concern for the home  owners who have committed hundreds of thousands of dollars to live in a rural area.. a the town plan and the zoning laws showed.

Oh they let us speak for three minutes and many did, all in opposition except one and he lived a long way from the development in the city of Tucson, still do not know what that was about......

If you are thinking of moving, please do not consider the town of Marana, they only care for developers and money for the town to become a Phoenix like community...... stacked on top of each other.

The do not observe the zoning they set or the low density housing they set for an area... they will change the game after the fact at the drop of a pin for a developer with money.... screw the people already there that relied on their zoning maps.....

If I could get what I paid for my house I would leave in a second !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marana Town Government are criminals in my opinion.. as they have stolen value of my investment with their zoning changes for developers.....

God save the USA

Sunday, December 8, 2013


This is finding of mine, I sat in mass today and looked at the empty seats. I drive around and see Christian churches closed and for sale. I see Mosques going up all over the place. Now I know there are just as many Christians as Muslims so what is the problem. Lazy complacent Christians I guess. They cannot give God an hour of family time. Now my kids were brought up Roman Catholic but they do not participate very often.. They have little children and I can understand, but do other family's in church.
Last week our parish in Tucson cancelled two masses on Sunday for lack of attendance. Most of the attendees are old people not many youngsters. We as Christians must fill the seats or we are doomed. We can not sit back and let Muslims take over the world.
All of you that are my age I hope you participate in your religion, Make sure your kids are doing the same for themselves and their children. When we participate in church as is meant to be, we are a strong group.
Now I know about the Priests that committed criminal acts, they will burn in hell, it is not reason to stay away from the church or synagogue if you are Jewish.
It is Christmas now, not the holidays, time to spread the word, go to mass other than Christmas mass. Show the world who we still are.. I do not care if you are Catholic, Jewish, Protestant .... Worship in church. Get back to your roots..

If you agree feel free to pas on to the country and world

Merry Christmas and God Bless

God save the USA

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Unresponsive Government in Marana AZ

Well we have been dismissed by the local planning commission of Marana. We live in a zoned 1 acre custom home area. It is what is posted on the Marana website. It was considered in our due diligence in buying our home.

The have just passed a zoning change allowing a development of 277 homes on 5000 sf lots, which will cause them to be two story in the pristine Sonoran desert. All of the neighbors protested change the rules after the fact to no avail.

Money talks, development fees and tax base so they can spend more money on their grand town hall that stick out like a sore thumb in the down town Marana are consisting of chicken coups and run down shacks..

There  is no longer any democracy in anything, one commissioner offered a resolution to keep the zoning as is and when there was no second, voted for the development. How can you feel both ways..

Daily my resect for all levels of government is waning.
Looking over area from house

   Our web site

God save the USAS         

Saturday, August 24, 2013

What happen


How did we get to this condition where we are so evenly divided, it started a long time ago with the progressives no matter what side of the isle they sat. It has been done with incrementalism whether a master plan or by chance it has happened.

We now are divided 50/50 and the politics is now hatred of the other side, no one even thinks about the country, it is just politics and what side wins.... Our current President has done more to divide this country than any other person. He and the National Media have divided us by categories,

Gays aginst hetrosextuals  The marraige thing
Working women against stay at home women
Earners against freeloaders
Citizens against ILLEGAL immigrants
Blacks against whites
Gun owners against those who do not own guns
Abortionists against those who have faith and do not believe in it
Everybody against Catholics
Uninsured against insured
Fiscally conservative against free spending politicians
Liberty seeking against big government philosophy 
Constitutionalist against living document types

There are several Presidents that have contributed to the incremental decline of the country, Woodrow Wilson, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Obama, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin . Roosevelt, and others.

We let it happen by not staying vigilant and fighting for our rights when they  pass bullcrap laws. We let them appoint judges that have partially destroy our Constitution that was so expertly crafted by the founding fathers. The schools have dumbed down our children since the teachers union. They have changed the curriculum to bolster their socialistic beliefs, what they do teach of history is bent to be anti american and changed to meet their goals of dumbing the kids view of America.

They have created a class of stupid uninformed voters to keep them in office by giving them everything, and making the earners pay for it using tax law. They pass laws they know are unconstitutional and hope it survives the courts with the liberal judges  appointed by Progressive presidents.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bad day in CNY

Today was a dark day for Central New York Pres. Obummer in the area. His great  bus disrupted traffic throughout Central New York. No air  traffic was allowed in the area. 

The only good thing was there was no black helicopters black SUVs following me around. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

God save the old USA

Well we now have become a society that condones killing unborn babies, men living with men, women with women, sexual abuse of children being called a "First time offence" by fellow teachers who want him released.....

The supreme court is  now corrupted by political views and possibly blackmail from NSA surveillance of the Judges. No other explanation for the findings against the constitution. We have a so called president that thinks he is a King and nobody will challenge the illegal edicts that he decrees.

We are now just another country in the world, not the AMERICAN's that once were revered for their saving the world two times. Our king has literally bowed to several MULSLIUM leaders.... degrading our standing in the world.

Free speech is being shut down with the new civilian military (police) see Missouri troupers arrest two for protesting on a sidewalk. Try to say something against Obummer on it is gone in one second......

One white teenager shot by three black men no news seen,,,, a young girl and her boyfriend kidnapped and both raped, his genitals cut off, he is covered with gas and lit on fire, shot and killed, she is gang raped repeatedly, bleach poured in all he orifices to cover DNA evidence and she is killed by three black men and a black women. no news anywhere what the fuck.